By March 25, 2013

Learning To Highlight New Areas Of Your Home

There are all sorts of fun ways to revitalize a home. Finding yourself tired of looking at the same four walls day in and day out? Maybe it’s time for some change. Today, we are going to discuss a few great ways to create a new and exciting home atmosphere in order to build a whole new year and a whole new you.

Putting Focus on What’s Most Important


What’s ‘important’ depends on your personal preferences. Maybe you want to show off that new Eagle artwork you found at a local sale or the amaryllis display your sister bought for your birthday. A great way to show off the things you love most and give your room a comforting feel is to use spotlights. These lighting options can be hung from the ceiling or pointed up from the ground or a table, for depth. While most people reach for natural colored lighting, for a more unique effect, experiment with different color options, i.e., pinks, blues, yellows. Since spotlights are adjustable, it is very easy to make changes as you update your home.

For outdoor use, motion sensor lights are a fantastic way to offer the perfect amount of lighting for barbecuing with the family. Installing sensors not only on your walkways, but also your driveway can mean a much safer arrival each and every time you or a loved one stops by. Just like inside the home, lights can be used outdoors to put additional focus on areas you are most proud of, such as your newly painted door or the plants bordering your front porch.

Walls and Ceilings: Spaces Commonly Forgotten


While many homes are full of white walls and white ceilings, if you’re looking to make the space more inviting, why not reach for colors that are going to blend beautifully with your current design? Begin by finding a color that appears somewhere within the location. Inspirations can be found in your favorite blanket, painting, or stuffed animal. The trick here is, you don’t want to choose a color that is used too often throughout the room because this will generally overwhelm the senses, e.g., a red velvet bedspread and completely deep red walls. While there are always exceptions to the rule, it’s typically best to select a hue that won’t consume the entire space. Sometimes you’ll find that the best colors to choose are a shade or two lighter or darker than the color you got your inspiration from.

Not ready to take on a painting job just yet? Maybe it’s time to upgrade the room by swapping out for an updated chandelier or installing one for the first time. There are ornate crystal options, which can have real or fake candles, stunning black onyx or even those in the shape of a teardrop; just to give you a few ideas. If you’re looking for dual functionality, consider adding a ceiling fan. This will give you a bit of style and the comfort of additional temperature control.

Instantly Get More Use out of What You’ve Got

Mom in reflection

There are many areas of a home that are easy to forget to decorate. For instance, instead of leaving your sliding closet doors empty, why not add a mirror to the front? This will not only make the room appear larger and offer additional light but will give you a place to prepare for your day, getting ready for work and making sure your outfit looks just right before stepping out the door. When you have a large family, bathroom mirrors may not be quite enough, especially first thing in the morning.

The space about your cupboards may not be an area you remember to clean often, let alone see. But, it is one of the best places to display some of your favorite, and most fragile items. Have porcelain plates or dolls that were your grandmothers? Instead of having them tucked away in a box where you’ll probably never see them again, why not show them off? The area is high enough that you won’t ever have to worry about them getting broken or being touched but your guests can enjoy them with you.

Keep it Simple: Keep it ‘You’

We cannot stress enough how important it is to stay true to yourself when making changes to your home. Don’t take on large projects if you don’t have the budget or time for it. Figure out what areas of your home you enjoy most, and which ones aren’t quite as exciting. Take note of the colors in those rooms, what items draw your attention and so forth. This will help you move in the right direction to a home that will make you feel energized all over again. Switching things up, even if just by moving furniture between rooms, is a great way to keep a home from feeling dull.

The guest post author for today is William Rimmington. An interior decorator by profession, he believes in carrying out eco friendly changes to homes and higlighting new areas of the house with unique designs. For ceiling tasks, he often approaches Pro ceilings as they are the best ceiling contractors in Perth

Posted in: Interior Decorating

About the Author:

Jon Clark is an Internet Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur and current editor of the Facebook Marketing Blog. Jon loves coffee, sports and NY. You can follow him on Twitter @jonleeclark or circle him on Google+.

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